
2016-08-03 14:32  来源:搜狐网


美国国家地理誉为”一生中必到的50个目的地”;2016年Lonelyplanet推荐的最佳出行目的地国家。格陵兰岛的神话传说似乎永远围绕着荒野的户外、狂野的自然、没有白昼的黑夜以及粗犷的猎人展开。Greenland’s myths and legends are imbued with the country’s natural landscape, darkness and harshness of the hunter’s life.

Source: Mercator’s Atlas of 1595



Greenlandic Inuit are the indigenous peoples of Greenland. Approximately 89% of Greenland’s population of 57,695 is Inuit or 51,349 people as of 2012.


In former times, belief in spirits and witchcraft was well-rooted in the Inuit people. The harsh nature, the winter darkness and the violent storms outside the turf huts and igloos provided plenty of opportunity to tell tales in the self-built homes which were heated only by oil lamps and body heat.

Source: www.greenland.com


It was a society where people lived close together, but isolated from other local communities. So it gave rise to excitement and pleasure when good storytellers retold classic tales and when visitors from outside had something new to recount.

Source: www.greenland.com


For countless generations the narrative tradition was the only way of communicating the Inuits’ traditions and lifestyles. The stories of the Inuits’ outlook with regard to religion and life often contained morals with categorical commandments and prohibitions. The stories thus helped to establish norms for people’s behavior. For hundreds of years-perhaps even thousands-stories such as The Legend of the Mother of the Sea and Kaassassuk and other well-known legends were passed on by words of mouth amongst the Inuit people in Alaska, across Canada and to Greenland, until eventually they were written down by people such as Knud Rasmussen, a well-known Greenland/Artic explorer.

Knud Rasmussen

Source: www.greenland.com


The Legend of the Mother of the Sea or known as Sedna, is the goddess of the sea and marine animals. There are many version of the story, in one of the version described Sedna as a beautiful maiden who rejects marriage proposals from the hunters of her village. When an unknown hunter appears, Sedna’s father agrees to give her to him as wife in return for fish. Sedna’s father gives Sedna a sleeping potion and gives her to the hunter who takes her to a large nest on a cliff, revealing his true form: a great bird. She wakes surrounded by birds.


Her father attempts to rescue her, but the bird-spirit becomes angry, causing a great storm. In desperation. Sedna’s father throws her into the ragging sea. Attempting to cling to the kayak, her hands freeze and her fingers fall off becoming the creatures of the sea.


She falls to the bottom of the sea and grows a fish tail. The overall moral of the tale is that people must not be greedy and that they must observe society’s customs and the world of the Shaman.

Source: www.greenland.com


Another famous Greenland myth is the story of Kaassassuk– The Orphan.

Source: www.greenland.com


In front of the Greenland Self Rule buildings in Nuuk is a large sculpture of Kaassassuk can be found, and it has become a tradition for newly graduated college students to dance around the sculpture.

Source: www.greenland.com

Source: www.greenland.com


The story of Kaassassuk resolves between the friendship of him and a giant and his hardship living among the society. Kaassassuk develops large nostril due to the punishment given to him. You can read about what then happened to Kaassassuk in the literature on Greenlandic myths and legends or ask for yourself when you are travelling in Greenland. And not to forget to grab some of these exotic souvenirs as well!

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